Summer Ends While Planning For Structural Bird Work Begins
Aug 16, 2016
Did you know pest birds cause $30-50 million in damages to properties, assets, roofs, and ventilation systems annually? Property managers are constantly balancing their property’s structural needs with increasing building/ environmental regulations and constrained maintenance budgets.
However, over 50% of structural property maintenance repair occurs between May and September, but budgets for next year’s structural property maintenance repair are generally set during the waning months of the current year.
Damages can be mitigated and costs minimized with adequate problem identification and the correct application of bird control exclusion interventions. This requires property managers to work collaboratively with bird control installation experts to plan for future pest bird problems today.
WGC is experienced working with clients around addressing all pest bird problems – particularly gulls, pigeons, sparrows, starlings, and turkey vultures – and has been recognized by commercial, retail, and industrial property managers in Chicagoland, Milwaukee, Iowa, Indiana, and North Carolina.
WGC has been an active member of the BOMA Suburban Chicago for 18 years, and has served in leadership roles within the organization for over 10 years. Sue Hagberg, President of WGC, currently serves on the Program Committee and served on the Board of Directors in 2015.
Andy Murray, Business Development Manager, currently serves on the Board of Directors, Education Committee, and Developing Leaders at BOMA Suburban Chicago. Through active participation and leadership in this worthwhile network WGC has a thorough understanding of the challenges facing property/building managers.