Bird Removal for Parks & Sports Fields

Goose droppings

Goose droppings make parks unsightly and unhealthy.

Parks and sports fields such as recreational parks, greenspaces, playgrounds, sports facilities, recreation and nature centers, and golf courses mimic the natural environment. As such, the open spaces, water and food sources present at parks and sports fields – both recreational or professional – are attractive to a variety of nuisance birds, including Canada geese, swallows and gulls. Common bird problem areas at parks and sports fields include turf grass and landscaping.

The Problems Birds Cause

Property & Asset Damage

Birds are drawn to large, well-maintained green spaces. When birds flock to fields and parks, the accumulation of their droppings and nesting materials can damage turf grass and increase associated cleaning and maintenance costs.

A cliff swallow building a nest under a park overhang.

Human Health & Safety Risks

Bird droppings and nesting materials have been documented to harbor dangerous bacteria and disease, including e. Coli, which can present health risks to both people and their pets. When droppings are left to accumulate, they create unsanitary conditions and can increase the risk of slip hazards. Furthermore, during their respective nesting seasons, nuisance birds can become aggressive, endangering park-goers and athletes.

Bird Management Solutions for Parks & Sports Fields

Parks and sports fields can manage their nuisance bird issues by leveraging bird management solutions, including a trained canine harassment program, nest and egg management, and handheld lasers. The most appropriate solution will be property-specific and should be based upon the specific bird species involved and the behaviors the birds exhibit.

Birds perching in a hospital garage

Birds perching on a hospital garage ledge

Border collie patrols help keep fine turf free from geese.
Netting in pavilions keeps birds from perching and nesting.
Netting in pavilions keeps birds from perching and nesting.