Wholesale Floral Company Finds Success with Migratory Bird Management

Aug 25, 2020

A Milwaukee wholesale florist struggled with seagull infestations for years before working with Migratory Bird Management. Below is a letter we recently received from the property manager.

Seagull Parking Lot

What unbelievable difference compared to the last few years! Three weeks into the ‘season’ we noticed a huge decline in the bird numbers. Four weeks after that the seagulls were almost non-existent. We were never ‘dive-bombed’ this year. We didn’t have one customer complain to us about the birds. I didn’t hear one complaint from our employees about the droppings in our parking lot. Nor did they have to go home and wash their cars everyday like the last few years. We never thought seagulls could have such an impact on our business. Thank you again for solving this issue for us. Definitely money well spent! Thank you again

About Migratory Bird Management

Our experts combine several techniques and services to humanely minimize destructive, potentially dangerous migratory bird problems. All of our bird control methods, including structural deterrents, trained bird dogs, and lasers, are administered with a complete respect of the laws and regulations protecting specific bird species.

Contact us to learn more about managing seagull problems

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